The Cost of Waiting

The “Cost of Waiting to Buy” is defined as the additional funds it would take to buy a home if prices and interest rates were to increase over a period of time.
Freddie Mac predicts that interest rates will increase to 4.8% by this time next year, while home prices are predicted to appreciate by 4.8% according to CoreLogic.
Waiting until next year to buy could cost you thousands of dollars a year for the life of your mortgage!

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The Perfect Storm for Home Sellers


Thinking of listing your home? Sellers today stand to benefit from a perfect storm of market conditions that are delivering the greatest possible return on investment.

Record-Low Inventory: Fewer than 1,600 single-family homes were on the market in King County last month, an all-time low.

Record High Prices: Prices are at historic highs, and are rising faster than anywhere else in the country.

So, why not just wait and see if prices go even higher?

Just like with the stock market, it’s impossible to time the housing market. However, experts have predicted price increases to slow this year, and prices here are already showing signs of moderating.

In addition, interest rates are expected to go up this year. A majority of the members of the Federal Reserve’s rate-setting board predict there will be three more increases coming in 2017. These increases will cause mortgage rates to rise, which means buyers will only qualify for less expensive homes. This reduced purchasing power starts slowing buyer demand.

It’s the perfect time to list your home. Are ready to get started?

I can prepare a valuation of your home based on current market conditions, walk you through the process, and answer any questions you may have.

Contact me for your free home valuation.